
Technical Support: Extraneous Load Factor: LSB201

Support keyboard_arrow_right Extraneous Load Factor keyboard_arrow_right LSB201

Equation: σmax ≥ (A)Fx + (B)Fy + (C)Fz + (D)Mx + (E)My + (F)Mz

LSB201 3axis outline

Material: 17-4 P.H. Stainless Steel

LSB201 250 g 6168 4916 32699 20223 13331 15335
1 6168 4916 32699 20223 13331 15335
2 5163 4851 17710 10103 11064 11739
5 4933 4730 7801 9855 10668 8338
10 4772 4529 4590 9421 10377 6972
25 4215 3872 2602 7919 9171 5167
50 2055 2276 1185 3584 3728 4017
100 2038 2289 858 3592 3632 3646

**All capacity values in lb except 250g capacity (grams)


All force and moments to be calculated using lb and in-lb units

Table: σmax

Material Static Load (=60% Y.S.) Fatigue (Non Reversing Loads) Fatigue (Full Reversing Loads)
17-4 PH S.S. 87,000 78,000 62,000*

*Value is 75% of Fatigue Strength based on 10-20 x 106 cycles and allow for factors that influence Fatigue such as surface finish, stress concentrations, corrosion, temperature and other variables for the production of the transducer, for infinite Fatigue Life (100 x 106) use 75% of values shown.

Deflection & Natural Frequency
(Fz Only)
(Z-Direction Only)
LSB201 250 g 0.0028 690 0.004
1 0.005 690 0.004
2 0.004 1180 0.004
5 0.003 2180 0.004
10 0.003 3010 0.004
25 0.003 5380 0.003
50 0.003 6620 0.003
100 0.004 8250 0.003

**All capacity values in lb except 250g capacity (grams)

Natural Frequency & Frequency response equation's:

Natural Frequency & Frequency Response Equations

*Where β values are obtained by FUTEK Engineers

Doc#: EL1088 Model# LSB201 Series

FUTEK Certifications
Z540-1 ANSI Certified17025 ISO Certified9001 ISO Certified13485 ISO CertifiedU.S. Manufacturer
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Multi Axis Sensor, Force, Torquetechnical-support-extraneous-load-factor-lsb201
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